Complementary Surgeries for Eye Lid Lift Surgery
Eyelid surgery can be combined with other facial cosmetic surgeries or medi spa services. Please discuss this with Dr. Trevor Brooks during your complimentary consultation.
If you are a non-smoker, you can book an appointment for a complimentary consultation.
Dr. Brooks will meet you for an initial consultation to discuss your eyelid surgery goals in detail. The surgical procedure’s steps will be explained, and your questions will be answered. Dr. Brooks will give you specific post-op care instructions and return to work information to take home with you.
Eyelid surgery is considered a cosmetic procedure for most patients. In Alberta, there is a rule that the drooping/dermatochalasis of the upper lids must be 50% blocking/interfering with the pupil and your eyesight for the surgery to be covered by Alberta Health.
Referrals for significant eyelid laxity (to midline of pupils) can be faxed to our office from family doctors and optometrists & are welcomed; our fax number is 403-487-0462.
If you do not have laxity/drooping interfering with your pupils, you may self-refer for cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic consultations are complimentary.
A local anesthetic and sedation is used so that you will be extremely comfortable during the procedure.
Upper eyelid incisions are made in the natural upper eyelid crease.
Once the incision is made, your muscles will be tightened, loose skin removed, and any excess fat will be repositioned or removed.
Eyelid surgery takes 1 hour to perform.
Call Dr. Brooks or go to a walk-in-clinic if you have any of the following:
A fever over 37 degrees.
Yellow, green or foul-smelling drainage.
A large red area around the incision.
An allergic reaction to the medications or dressings (this could be shortness of breath, a rash/redness, hives, etc.)
You must stay in Medicine Hat for 1-3 days post-surgery, as per Dr. Brooks, due to post-surgery complications that could occur. This policy is in place for other procedures as well.
Once your surgery is complete and our recovery team has cleared you to go, your arranged ride can drive you home.
Plan to take 7-10 days off work for rest and recovery.
Your eyes may be sensitive to bright light for the first few days.
Your follow up appointment:
Dr. Brooks will want to see you 1 week after your surgery. To ensure you get in within this time, please call 403-487-0460 promptly after your surgery to set the appointment.
Dressing/Bandages after surgery:
The steri-strips applied in the operating room should remain on and intact for 7 days following surgery. You may shower or bathe during this time if you keep the dressing dry (bathe with the areas out of the water). Pat dry, no aggressive rubbing.
Let the steri-strips fall off on their own.
You may protect the incision with a very light layer of Polysporin, but be sure to keep it out of your eyes as it can cause irritation.
Do not submerge the area in water for 3 weeks (no baths, hot-tubs, pools, ocean/lake water).
Your sutures are not dissolvable. They must be removed by Dr. Brooks at his office precisely 7 days after surgery.
Medication after surgery:
Take your regular medication as prescribed (unless Dr. Brooks has specifically instructed you otherwise).
You may use acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain, unless Dr. Brooks has instructed you otherwise.
If you are prescribed an antibiotic, finish the entire prescription.
Return to work after surgery:
Most patients can return to work 1-2 weeks after the surgery; however, there is usually a significant amount of bruising around the eyes.
Many patients who work with the public take more time off until the bruising has lessened. If you require a work note, please inform Dr. Brooks or our office staff.
Activity after surgery:
Swelling is normal. Elevate your head on a pillow to minimize swelling. Keep your head elevated with pillows while sleeping, or sleep in a “Lazy-Boy” reclining chair.
Apply an ice pack to your forehead just between your eyes off and on for the first 3-4 days.
Do not use heat.
Wait to use exercise equipment until Dr. Brooks has given you the go-ahead.
You may begin scar massage after 2-3 weeks (if no open areas to the incision). Use some pressure & cream (Vit A, Vit E or Aloe are all excellent choices), but be sure to keep it out of your eyes as they can cause irritation.
A high quality Vitamin & silicone scar gel is available at Dr. Brooks’s office, but there are many available at most pharmacies over the counter.
Diet after surgery:
Resume your regular diet.
Drink plenty of fluids.
Stay away from alcoholic beverages for 1 week.
Limit caffeinated beverages for 1 week.
Avoid smoking/vaping for 3 months before and 6 weeks after surgery for better wound healing. Nicotine constricts blood vessels.
It is recommended that you wear a hat and sunglasses while your incisions heal.
After 3 weeks, if your surgical site is to be exposed to sun, apply an SPF 45 or higher sunscreen and for at least 1 year after continue to prevent the scar from changing to a darker colour.
What to expect from eyelid surgery
What is eyelid surgery?
Eyelid surgery (or blepharoplasty) gives you a more well-rested, rejuvenated look. Loose, wrinkled skin will be removed to tighten and smooth your eye contour. Blepharoplasty surgery can done on your upper and lower eyelids, but Dr. Brooks does not do lower eyelid blepharoplasty.