What is implant replacement?
Breast implant replacement surgery can occur for multiple reasons. Some of the reasons one would need to replace their implants include:
Asymmetry between the breasts
Bottoming out of the breast implants
Breast implant-related illness
Capsular contracture, tenderness and/or pain
Change in one’s personal taste
Change in one’s lifestyle
Displacement of the implants
Deflation of saline implants
Firmness of the implants
Folds visible of the implants
Rupture of the breast implants
Size dissatisfaction
Surgical error
Silicone breast implants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, they can also have a textured or smooth shell. Despite the fact the implants can come textured, Dr. Brooks almost certainly will not use textured implants. Textured implants are shown to have a link to a cancer of the breast implant capsule/fluid called BIA-ALCL.
Every patient has a unique shape with specific surgical requirements. Dr. Brooks’ specialty is to tailor your breast implant replacement or removal surgery to meet your unique needs.

How long do the results last from implant replacement surgery
Today’s breast implants are more durable than ever, but they aren’t made to last a lifetime. Most last a minimum of ten years and shouldn’t need to be replaced if there are no complications. Dr. Brooks does perform implant replacement if or when the time comes that it is required.

At the time of your complimentary initial consultation you meet Dr. Brooks to discuss your breast implant goals in detail. This initial discussion will include the reasons you wish to have your implants removed or replaced.
The benefits, risks and alternatives to your surgical procedure will be
Dr. Brooks ensures all of your questions are answered so that you can feel confident with your decision for an implant replacement surgery.
If implants will be replaced, then the potential sizes of implants for the best aesthetic result will be presented, including which sizes are ideal for a replacement with a breast lift.
Dr. Brooks works with silicone gel-filled breast implants (aka gummy bear implants) to improve the overall shape, profile and symmetry of your chest.
Dr. Brooks will provide specific post-operative care instructions and return-to-work information during your consultation that can also be found here.
Click here for information on Dr. Brooks’ surgical payment options and cancellation policies.
General anesthesia is used so you will be comfortable and asleep.
A hidden inframammary incision is made which is made in the crease beneath your breasts.
The implants are placed above or partially below your chest muscle and Dr. Brooks determines the placement of the breast implants. Dr. Brooks will base his placement plan on your existing measurements, implant type and aesthetic goals.
The surgery takes 1-2 hours to perform but if implants have signs of capsular contracture, or you choose to have a lift at the same time as your augmentation surgery, then the length of your procedure will be longer.
Call Dr. Brooks or go to a walk-in-clinic if you have any of the following:
A fever over 37 degrees.
Yellow, green or foul-smelling drainage.
A large red area around the incision.
An allergic reaction to the medications or dressings (this could be shortness of breath, a rash/redness, hives, etc.)
You must stay in Medicine Hat for 1-3 days post-surgery, as per Dr. Brooks, due to post-surgery complications that could occur. This policy is in place for other procedures as well.
When you awake after the surgery, and our recovery team clears you, you can go home with your arranged ride.
Your chest may feel tight and sore for the first 1 - 2 weeks, your pain medication will help alleviate any discomfort.
You will see the results of your breast implant surgery immediately.
Your follow up appointment:
Dr. Brooks will want to see you 7 days after your surgery. To ensure you get in within this time, please call 403-487-0460 promptly after your surgery to set the appointment.
Dressing/Bandages after surgery:
Your dressings applied in the operating room should remain on, dry and intact for 5-7 days following surgery. You should not shower during this time.
Dr. Brooks will see you at his office 7-8 days after your surgery for a dressing change. You may shower the day after Dr. Brooks sees you. After each shower, place a very thin layer of Polysporin on the incisions. If you have Steri-strips, let them fall off on their own.
There will be bloody drainage on the dressings, this is normal.
If bleeding occurs, hold constant & firm pressure for 10 minutes with a clean towel. If bleeding continues, or one side is becoming larger than the other, seek emergency care and then contact Dr. Brooks to inform him.
Do not submerge the area in water for 3 weeks (no baths, hot tubs, pools, ocean/lake water). Your sutures are dissolvable and submerging them in water could open your incision up.
Once the outer dressings are removed, the bra you were put in, in the OR, or a well-fitting support bra (with no underwire) should be worn 24 hours a day until Dr. Brooks instructs otherwise. *If you take it off to launder it, please rest during that time.*
Medication after surgery:
Take your regular medication as prescribed (unless Dr. Brooks has specifically instructed you otherwise). Typically a pain medication and an antibiotic will be prescribed after surgery.
Do not drive while taking the pain medication.
Make sure to finish the entire antibiotic prescription.
Once done with the pain prescription, you may use acetaminophen (Tylenol), unless Dr. Brooks has instructed you otherwise.
Avoid ibuprofen (Advil) and inflammatory medication (Aleve) for the first 4 days.
Return to work after surgery:
Most patients are able to return to work 3-4 weeks after the surgery.
People with jobs that require heavy lifting may require more time before returning to full duties. We can provide you with a work note.
Activity after surgery:
You should take it easy for the first week but you need to be up and walking around 4-5 times/day to decrease the risk of blood clots. Do not raise your arms above your shoulders for the first week.
Swelling is normal. For the first week keep your torso elevated with pillows while sleeping on either your back or side. Continue on your back or side for the first 4 weeks. If comfortable, you may sleep on your stomach after 4 weeks.
Beginning the second week, you may resume a full range of motion with your arms, as your pain tolerance permits.
Avoid lifting, pushing and/or pulling any object heavier than 10 lbs for the first 4 weeks (for reference, a 4L milk jug is 9 lbs).
Avoid sexual activity for the first 2 weeks, and then be careful for the next 2 weeks.
Do not do sports, heavy house/yard work, or use exercise equipment until 4-6 weeks after surgery or Dr. Brooks has given you the go ahead.
You may begin scar massage at 3 weeks (if there are no open areas to the incision). Use firm pressure and cream (Vitamin A, Vitamin E or Aloe Vera are all excellent choices), and push against the direction of the scar (perpendicular).
A high quality vitamin and silicone scar gel is available at Dr. Brooks’ office, but there are many available at most pharmacies as over-the-counter products.
Diet after surgery:
Resume your regular diet.
Drink plenty of fluids.
Stay away from alcoholic beverages for 1 week.
Limit caffeinated beverages for 1 week.
Avoid smoking/vaping for 3 months before and 6 weeks after surgery for better wound healing. Nicotine constricts blood vessels.
After 3 weeks, if your surgical site is to be exposed to sun, apply an SPF 45 or higher sunscreen and for at least 1 year after continue to do so to prevent the scar from changing to a darker colour.