Complementary surgeries for liposuction
Liposuction surgery is often combined with other complementary procedures such as a tummy tuck, breast implants, mommy makeover or a breast lift. For further information on combining your liposuction with another cosmetic surgery, please discuss this with Dr. Trevor Brooks during your consultation.
Your surgery will be booked as an independent surgery. Please call 403-487-0460, so we can create your patient profile and book you for a consultation. Please note Dr. Brooks does not do virtual consultations.
During your initial consultation, you will meet with Dr. Brooks for 30 minutes to discuss your liposuction surgery. The surgical steps are explained, and all your questions are answered.
All liposuction surgery with Dr. Brooks is performed at Southland Surgical Centre.
If you have a date in mind for your liposuction procedure, please call as soon as possible, and we will do our best to make it happen. Dr. Brooks is a remarkably busy plastic surgeon. He divides his time between MHRH, SSC, and our aesthetic clinic, Essentials Medi Spa.
The exact quote for liposuction surgery depends on many factors; the length of time it will take your procedure and how many areas you choose to treat are two primary factors. Each cosmetic surgery Dr. Brooks performs is personalized to his patients’ surgical requirements. An exact quote will be provided to you during your consultation.
Click here for information on Dr. Brooks’ surgical payment options and cancellation policies.
Liposuction is not performed at our office. Liposuction is a surgical procedure performed by Dr. Trevor Brooks at an accredited surgical facility. Dr. Brooks, the anesthesiologist and the surgical team nurses will be there during the surgery.
General anesthesia is used so you will be extremely comfortable and asleep during the surgery.
The duration of liposuction surgery can vary based on the number of areas being treated. The estimated length of the surgery will be discussed during the consultation.
Call Dr. Brooks or go to a walk-in-clinic if you have any of the following:
A fever over 37 degrees.
Yellow, green or foul-smelling drainage.
A large red area around the incision.
An allergic reaction to the medications or dressings (this could be shortness of breath, a rash/redness, hives, etc.)
You must stay in Medicine Hat for 1-3 days post-surgery, as per Dr. Brooks, due to post-surgery complications that could occur. This policy is in place for other procedures as well.
Once you are awake from the surgery and our recovery team has cleared you to go, your arranged ride can drive you.
Dr. Brooks can prescribe pain medication to help alleviate post-surgical discomfort.
Sleep in a position that is comfortable for you.
You will see the results of your liposuction surgery 1-3 months after surgery.
Your follow up appointment:
Dr. Brooks will want to see you 7 days after your surgery. To ensure you get in within this time, please call 403-487-0460 promptly after your surgery to set the appointment.
Preparation at home:
You may wish to use a mattress cover (or plastic tablecloth below your sheet) as you may have blood-tinged bodily fluid leakage from the surgical puncture sites for a few days. The fluid will decrease over the first days.
Dressing/Bandages after surgery:
Remove the larger bandages 24 hours after surgery. There will be bloody drainage on the dressings; this is normal. Leave steri strips (small white tape) in place for 1 week or until they fall off on their own.
The compression garments that were applied in the operating room would remain on almost all day long, 20-24 hours a day, for 4-6 weeks following surgery.
When you remove your garments for the first few times, lay down as you may feel faint. Your garments are designed to help minimize swelling. Swelling is to be expected.
If significant bleeding occurs, hold constant and firm pressure for 10 minutes with a clean towel. If bleeding continues and cannot be stopped, seek emergency care and then contact Dr. Brooks to inform him.
You will see Dr. Brooks at his office 7-8 days after your surgery for your first dressing change.
Do not submerge the area in water for 1 month (no baths, hot tubs, pools, or ocean/lake water). Your sutures are dissolvable, and submerging them in water could open your incision up.
You may shower 24 hours after surgery. You will notice bruising and swelling; this is normal. Dry the area by patting it with a clean towel or allowing it to air dry.
Steri-strips are to fall off on their own. When Steri-strips are off, place a very thin layer of Polysporin over the puncture sites every day.
Medication after surgery:
Take your regular medication as prescribed (unless Dr. Brooks has specifically instructed you otherwise). Typically pain medication, an antibiotic, and a muscle relaxant will be prescribed after surgery.
Do not drive while taking the pain medication.
Make sure to finish the entire antibiotic prescription.
Once done the pain prescription, you may use acetaminophen (Tylenol), unless Dr. Brooks has instructed you otherwise.
Avoid ibuprofen (Advil) and inflammatory medication (Aleve) for the first 7 days.
Return to work after surgery:
Most patients can return to work 3-4 weeks after the surgery.
People with jobs that require heavy lifting may require more time before returning to full duties. We can provide you with a work note.
Activity after surgery:
You should take it easy for the first week, but you need to be up and walking around 4-5 times/day to decrease the risk of blood clots.
Avoid lifting, pushing and/or pulling any object heavier than 10 lbs for the first 4 weeks (for reference, a 4L milk jug is 9 lbs).
Avoid sexual activity for the first 2 weeks, and then be careful for the next 2 weeks.
Wait to do sports, heavy house/yard work, or use exercise equipment until 4-6 weeks after surgery or when Dr. Brooks has given you the go-ahead.
2 weeks after surgery you may begin to massage the areas where liposuction was performed. Massage will aid with lymphatic drainage and helps to soften the tissue. Some massage therapists specialize in lymphatic drainage as do the aestheticians at Essential Medi Spa with HydraFacial’s lymphatic drainage system.
A high-quality vitamin and silicone scar gel is available at Dr. Brooks’ office, but many are available at most pharmacies as over-the-counter products.
Diet after surgery:
Resume your regular diet.
Drink plenty of fluids.
Stay away from alcoholic beverages for 1 week.
Limit caffeinated beverages for 1 week.
Avoid smoking/vaping for 3 months before and 6 weeks after surgery for better wound healing. Nicotine constricts blood vessels.
After 3 weeks, if your surgical site is to be exposed to sun, apply an SPF 45 or higher sunscreen and for at least 1 year after continue to prevent the scar from changing to a darker colour.
What to expect from liposuction
What is liposuction surgery?
No matter how diligent and committed you are with your diet and exercise, you may hereditarily still have areas of fat that persist. Liposuction appeals to both women and men who are in generally good health and are interested in contouring specific areas of their body.
You are an ideal candidate for liposuction if you’ve already taken steps to lead a healthy lifestyle and have a body mass index below 30. Liposuction is not intended to replace the work necessary for weight loss.
Liposuction is a surgical procedure where a device called a cannula is inserted through a small puncture into an inconspicuous area of your body. Once the device is in place, the liposuction machine uses suction to safely aspirate (vacuum) and remove unwanted body fat.
The purpose of liposuction is to slim and reshape targeted areas of your body. While removing excess fat deposits, Dr. Brooks will focus on your overall natural contours and proportions. Dr. Brooks is an experienced surgeon; he understands the anatomy and aesthetic techniques that will result in the best outcomes for his patients as he removes your fat deposits, contours your hips, inner thighs, arms, abdomen, love handles or other areas on your body that you identify as problem areas.
Liposculpture is a form of liposuction where the surgeon adds further definition, which can create a more sculpted look. Liposculpture can give you a more athletic-looking result, like the abdominal outline of a six-pack or the “cut” look of well-defined arms.