Did you know Restylane® Lyft with Lidocaine is indicated for injection into the subcutaneous plane in the dorsal hand to correct volume deficit in adults? Who is better suited to inject into the hands, than a hand specialist?
Dr. Brooks is able to inject the filler to the back side of your hand to rejuvenate the hand and add volume. He will determine your level of volume loss with the Merz Hand Grading Scale (shown below). From that point in your complimentary consultation you will be given an estimate of how many syringes of filler will be needed to achieve your aesthetic goal, and you may book an appointment for treatment at a later date.
Dr. Brooks has determined that Restylane Lyft is a great filler for hands in comparison to Radiesse (by Merz) because the reversal agent hyaluronidase works on hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane Lyft, and Radiesse does not have a reversal agent as effective as hyaluronidase. Your safety is our priority.
Follow us on Facebook or Instagram @drtrevorbrooksoffice or @essentialsmedispa to see the before and after photos of our hand filler patients.

